But, how often have we spared a thought about the beaches? For most of the public, beaches are idyllic get-aways - places that appeal to their sense of calm. But, look at them beyond a recreational point of view - they play a greater role in the ecosystem as a whole.
To say the least, they are a bridge between the land and ocean. Many marine animals heavily depend upon the beach ecosystem. Most of these organisms can’t be seen by the naked eye because they are minute in size or hidden deep in the sand but they play an important role in seawater filtration and nutrient recycling.
Beaches play a major role in mitigating the effects of climate change, too. By acting as a buffer, they protect the coastline from dangerous and damaging high winds and waves of powerful storms. All of these benefits, of course, depend on how ‘clean’ our beaches are.
- Annually, 7 billion tons of debris are deposited on beaches. These are a health hazard for us who use the beach recreationally and for the marine biodiversity that depends on it.
- Plastic forms a major portion of the debris found in our beaches. According to Ocean Conservancy’s TIDES Database, almost 60% of beach litter worldwide is plastic. And given the nature of plastic, it’s not going to decompose anytime soon.
- Other types of beach pollution include algae, sewage, litter, garbage and oils.
- A polluted beach affects the economy. A beach in poor condition, in addition to everything else, precludes or limits its recreational, lucrative and aesthetic use.
- A polluted or littered beach does not appeal to tourists. The “bad” experience lingers in their memory for a long time.
How to clean the beaches?
Beach clean ups are great - they bring communities together for a greater good. But, given the level of pollution of present times, is a manual beach clean up enough? Perhaps not! The reality is, organized cleanups only remove a very small proportion of the trash out there. Researchers estimate that approximately 5 to 13 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. Most of it eventually sinks to the ocean floor and never makes it onto the beaches. What’s more, during an organized beach clean up, people tend to miss out on small plastics, cigarette butts, etc.
Fiorentini Middle East suggests that the need of the hour is to have a professional beach cleaning machine which is capable of cleaning up and sanitizing these areas with the minimum effort possible.
Benefits of using a beach cleaning machine
-For municipalities
Beach cleaners make it easy to manage large beaches. The larger the beach, the greater is the amount of litter and garbage polluting it. These machines ease out this task by removing glass, cans, cigarette butts, syringes, and other potential hazards. They also make the beaches visually pleasing and increase tourism.
-For contractors
Beach cleaning is a lucrative business for contractors owing to its niche market. A beach cleaning machine minimizes manual labor while maximizing effectiveness.
-For resorts
Beach cleaning machines are essential for resort owners that capitalize on beach-goers. It ensures that visitors get the best use out of the beach during their stay and return for more.
-For individuals
For private beach owners, Fiorentini Middle East recommends a small sized beach cleaner that is easy to operate, requires little maintenance, and can ensure your beach is spotless with minimal effort.