A Hand Sanitizer that Cares!


Disinfecting and caring for your hands.


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Infection Control
June 30, 2020
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A Hand Sanitizer that Cares!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, hand hygiene has been the talk of the town. Its importance has been reiterated by medical experts, researchers and scientists alike. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the best way to prevent the spread of infections and decrease the risk of getting sick is by washing your hands with plain soap and water. Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is essential, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing one’s nose. But, what happens when there is no water available? How do we ensure clean and germ-free hands?

In such scenarios, CDC recommends consumers use a hand sanitizer.

Choosing the right hand sanitizer

Because of the ongoing pandemic and the high demand of hand sanitizers, many brands of Hand Sanitizers have mushroomed. Not all of them have the desired quality. We have to be careful in choosing the right product.

Fayfa Chemicals has two brands of alcohol-based sanitizers, namely Gardenia and Steril-ALL, which takes into consideration the needs of the modern customer.

1. Composition

An ideal sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol in order to effectively ward off germs, bacteria and viruses. Gardenia contains 70% of active ethyl alcohol or IPA to ensure that optimum result is achieved.

This makes it adhere to the criteria CDC has laid out for sanitizers that are effective against COVID-19. Other than that, Fayfa uses the best polymers to ensure that the product is NON-STICKY, crystal clear in appearance, and leaves the hand feeling smooth.

2. Results - How do you measure the quality of a sanitizer?

The formulation of Gardenia and Steril-ALL is tested and vetted by Dubai Central Laboratory. According to test results, they achieve more than Log 5 reduction in germ counts.

The claims of 99.99% efficacy is supported by laboratory test results.

3. Ease of use

Gardenia is easy to use. All you need to do is to add a dollop of the sanitizer on your palms and rub it till dry - no tissues or towels are needed.

Their Steril-ALL  Multi-Surface Sanitizer is easier to use. This spray sanitizer is good for Hands, Door Knobs, Personal Gadgets, Desks, Toilet Seats etc. Steril-ALL comes in an easy to carry 100 ml bottle with finger spray.

4. Easy to carry

Gardenia comes in different sizes. This makes it easier for customers to choose according to their own unique requirements.