Cleaning companies have started living by the old adage - “Customer is the king”. They have come to the realization that if the end customer is pleased with their cleaning services, they have been successful in delivering quality service. The focus on customer happiness has gained momentum owing to the wave of digitization which has taken the world by the storm. With digital mediums, it has become easier for cleaning service providers to get real time feedback from their customers. This feedback becomes their KPI as well as a benchmark for further improvement.
At Clean Middle East, we speak to Amer Jaber, Co-Founder & Managing Director, The Healthy Home Global to take a sneak peek into how this popular cleaning service provider uses digital media to increase customer happiness.
The importance of customer feedback
Customer feedback is built in the very core of The Healthy Home Global. It is the most important pillar of their business across each country they operate in - be it the UAE, KSA and Kuwait. “Every one of our customers is provided with a review form where they can quickly give us feedback. Based on these feedbacks (positive or negative), we are constantly bettering our treatments and tailoring our services based,” says Amer.
However, Amer believes that customer feedback doesn’t just help improve cleaning services, it also helps the company differentiate itself in the market and maintain its leadership position in a time of fierce competition. It helps them stay ahead in terms of people, technology and customer service. The cleaning company strives to the highest levels of customer satisfaction. In doing so, it understands the client’s perspective by simply listening to whatever they say and adapting their business accordingly. This simple, yet effective practice has led the company to the pinnacle of success.
Services offered
For starters, The Healthy Home Global made it a point that they never say NO to a customer. They understood their target market and developed services for people from ALL walks of life. So there is a tailor made treatment available for single men, families, pregnant women and children. The services offered promise flexibility and a great customer experience.
Why? Because the customer is the king!
Best practices in cleaning
All their treatments are exceptional and unique. But here are a few best practices worth highlighting:
• They have maintained exclusivity in many of their machinery in the Middle East.
• All of their services are ecofriendly, green and chemical-free.
• They focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, rather than simply cleaning.
Dealing with customer complaints Now comes the difficult part - addressing customers who haven’t been really satisfied with the service or have a complaint to make. The rule of thumb here is to make the customer feel heard and turn them into brand advocates. To achieve this, the company tries to engage its clients through different modes (both online and offline) to make sure they have been hearing everyone out.
A dedicated customer happiness team gets in contact with all individuals who have placed a complaint online or offline and tries to provide them with the best solution for their problem with a 12-hour response time.
Digital mediums of communication have helped The Healthy Home Global to maintain a better relationship with their customers. They use the power of social media platforms like Whatsapp and Instagram which allow them to have almost 24/7 and immediate response to our customers. Owing to these platforms, the response time has reduced to a maximum of 1 hour. They are able to rectify all problems immediately and, needless to say, this improves customer satisfaction.
Dealing with complaints on a real-time basis (through digital platforms) also helps in better customer retention. It is almost inevitable that some customers will be having complaints due to the nature of the service provided and the delicacy of the material treated. “We, at The Healthy Home Global believe that it is how we deal with the complaints that will set us apart and help us retain our clientele. By reaching out to someone who has a complaint on a real-time basis we are able to fix the problem fairly quickly,” comments Amer.
Challenges posed by digital mediums
Amer continues to say that the only major drawback of using digital mediums is the rise of fake reviews. “Unfortunately, due to the competitiveness of the market, we have had fake negative reviews from our competitors. This very rarely takes place but it is something that we take very seriously and we always contact the person and check their email in our system and more times than not it turns out to be a fake reviewer,” he says.
However, the pros are many and the cons are few. With the entire world being automated and digitized, cleaning companies cannot lag behind if they want to maintain an edge over their competitors.