Since its inception in 1958, NASA has been using fuel cell technology to power its spacecrafts. Miniature fuel cells were then developed in the pharmaceutical industry to deliver precise amounts of medication and fluids to patients over a period of time. Oxy-Gen Powered uses this pharmaceutical grade patented fuel cell technology to release odour eliminators along with scented and non-scented oils to keep facilities fresh and clean, continuously.
One of the three major complaints received by facility managers is about foul, unavoidable washroom odours that pose a huge challenge. The most common solutions are either intermittent aerosol or pump systems that ‘spray and fade’ off in a few minutes or other passive systems like gels, liquids and solid systems that do not work for more than a few days or weeks at the most.
Oxy-Gen Powered systems, such as VIVA!e, SHIELD and Oxygen-Pro, are the best solutions to maintain an odour free facility with the most environment friendly, sustainable and safe cartridges that contain 100% pure fragrance oils.
Mohamed Farah, Sales Manager – MENA says, “All Oxy-Gen Powered cartridges guarantee constant fragrance levels throughout the cartridge life and contain Neutralox, a proprietary malodour eliminator, which neutralizes the odour-causing molecules continuously ensuring a pleasant experience for facility users each and every time. Neutra-Lox is designed to specifically target the smell of urine, faeces, body odour, tobacco, pet malodour, kitchen odour, mould and mildew keeping the air fresh and clean”.
Facilities, such as hospitals, clinics and care homes, face a unique challenge as they require high odour elimination but with little or no fragrance. A choice of two new cartridges is available, Neutra-lox Super and Kleer Natural, which are ideal for areas where low or no fragrance is desired.
Unlike pressurised aerosols which contain harmful propellants, OxyGen Powered cartridges do not contain any kind of propellants or any other harmful solvents, alcohols or added VOCs. The cartridges are compliant with CARB, EU, REACH, IFRA and Prop 65 and are safe to use, store and transport. All Oxy-Gen powered cartridges are fully recyclable and can be safely disposed in a plastic recyclable bin at the end of the cartridge life.
Oxy-Gen Powered cartridges are available in different fragrance intensity levels, developed by the world’s leading fragrance houses and are guaranteed to last 30 days(strong), 60 days(medium) or 90 days(light) as desired by the user and does not hide behind the misleading claim of “Up to xx days” made by other products.
The stylish, compact VIVA!e system and SHIELD, a stainless steel vandal resistant system, are available in a 30 or 60 day setting. Oxygen-Pro dispensers can be programmed to work for 30, 60 or 90 days by the user. VIVA!e, SHIELD and Oxygen-Pro systems have lights to indicate when to replace the cartridge and batteries. With 2 AA alkaline batteries, the system ensures a battery life of up to 1 to 2 years, depending on the settings. Each dispenser covers an area up to 6000 cubic feet or 170 cubic meters.
Nupur Saxena, VP- Marketing, stated, “Both VIVA!e and OxygenPro are Carbon Footprint approved products that have been assessed and verified for emissions and energy consumption and were found to have a significantly lower footprint compared to aerosol products in the market”.
Hydros Jassem, CEO says, “As the safety and wellbeing of users and service personnel is of the utmost importance, Oxy-Gen Powered system is the best fragrancing and odour eliminating system and the ideal choice for any facility. We will continue developing and introducing revolutionary products using state of the art technology to become the leading air care system in the world. The Oxy-Gen Powered system is stylish, modern, and functional and is the only air freshener that guarantees its performance for facilities looking for a true eco-friendly, sustainable odour eliminating system that is effective, reliable and safe.”
For more information, visit www. oxygenpowered.com. Email: communications@ oxygenpowered.com