Here are 5 proven techniques that you as a cleaning contractor can implement to improve your brand offering:
Certifications work wonders
As a cleaning contractor, the best way to improve your brand offering is to have your employees obtain certifications. A certified and trained employee feels empowered and performs better because of the effort you have put in his/her personal development, along with guaranteeing client trust. In addition to this, it significantly boosts your profit margins because your clients will happily pay more for a certified service than for an uncertified one, and they reduce on-the-job injuries, absenteeism and other issues that can impact your bottom line.
Write great contracts
No matter how amazing your service is or how certified your employees are, if your contract is not well drafted, your brand offering stands weakened. Every contract needs to extend beyond the scope and services, terms and conditions. It should get a client excited about working with you. So, go beyond the traditional norms and improve your contracts by adding interesting infographics, customer testimonials and some creativity.
Guarantee more
When clients make big decisions, they like to be assured that they are making the right decision. So, give them as many assurances as possible. One way to do this is to provide guarantees - offer to redo a job or refund the money if the customer isn’t satisfied. This will make it easier for them to say ‘yes’ and improve their trust in you; as long as you keep them satisfied, it won’t cost a penny.
Personalisation is the key
Every business in today’s world demands personalisation. As a cleaning contractor, you are no exception. When your clients feel that your offering is tailormade for them, they stand a better chance to opt for it. If you are not riding the wave of personalisation already, identify the pain points of your prospects and create personalised solutions to address them. When they see value in your cleaning services, they’ll choose you.
Offer value
Often, we make the mistake of perceiving value as offering your current service at a lesser price. On the contrary, VALUE means that you improve the quality of your services and offer them at a competitive price. Responsiveness and expertise also play a pivotal role in determining the value of your services. Be sure to highlight them when talking with clients and customers. Offering true value will improve your brand offering, reflect in your performance, create trust among clients and also lead to better profit margins.