The H Dubai receives Diversey Clean & Ready Shield


The H Hotel has recently been in the news for receiving the Diversey Clean & Ready Shield. The Clean & Ready Shield Program by Diversey is designed to respond to the new era of cleanliness, as facilities worldwide begin the process of reopening following the pandemic.


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May 23, 2021
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The H Dubai receives Diversey Clean & Ready Shield

Businesses who match Diversey’s stringent Program requirements are allowed to display the Clean and Ready Shield. It is awarded to those facilities whose staff have properly implemented and are committed to upholding the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness and disinfection in line with WHO and CDC guidance. Once enrolled as a member of the Clean and Ready Program, businesses will undergo periodic audits that deliver a thorough and all-encompassing independent verification that they are continuing to maintain the highest level of cleaning and disinfection.

“I have spent a decade and a half in the hospitality industry, however the Covid-19 pandemic has truly changed the norm and brought with it a challenge that nobody had foreseen. Since the pandemic, one of the first queries guests have is the standard of hygiene and sanitization in the property. Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection with the use of approved products has become imperative. We have also gained the understanding that communicating these precautionary measures is equally as important. With the goal of maintaining and communicating proper hygiene, we decided to partner with Diversey and adopt their Clean & Ready Program. This initiative helped us understand the basic essential hygiene requirements in line with the new normal,” says Deepesh Pisawadia, Executive Housekeeper, The H Dubai.

Setting the example

The H Hotel has implemented best-in-class cleaning and hygiene solutions with reinforced protocols in collaboration with Diversey. Staff members have received specific training on the COVID-19 preventive and responsive protocols, temperature screening and PPE usage have become the new norms, sanitization stations are readily available for guests and employees and the cleaning measures have been intensified. Sanitized seals are also placed on guest room doors. Enhanced cleaning methods that disinfect surfaces in less than 30 seconds are now used. The partnership with Diversey has enabled the H Hotel to conduct disinfection on a regular basis, on all parts of the hotel, whilst abiding by the set guidelines from the local government.

The guest rooms are sanitized thoroughly prior to every check-in, ensuring guest and hotel staff’s safety. Scheduled cleaning frequency has increased, especially in public areas focusing on common touch points such as door handles, elevator panels and buttons, reception counters, and lounges.

The program’s unyielding message and promise of safety and wellbeing for the guests and staff of the hotel, has helped The H Dubai gain the guarantee of safety in the property for everyone setting foot in it. With Diversey, the additional hand sanitizers with the brand’s logo in the various dining outlets ensure the guests that top-quality products are in place and are on offer for their own safety. On the other hand, the hotel staff are reassured by knowing that the addition of Oxivir Excel and Oxivir Plus ensures all surfaces of the hotel are sanitized.

“The Diversey Clean & Ready Shield Program is truly well-designed for the situation at hand. The program has strict compliance and extensive guidelines ensuring complete quality and hygiene in all areas. Some of the program’s development includes specifying the locations of the hotel where hand sanitizers, hand wash, and disinfectant chemicals should be. This is a prime example of how the property guarantees a safe environment, not only for the guests, but also for the staff ensuring that guest rooms, public areas are well disinfected,” says Deepesh.

Diversey itself is a world known brand and working with them on the Diversey Shield program assured The H Dubai that the brand strives to implement high-quality cleaning practices for their partners.



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