Tell us about your company
Otto Oehme GmbH is a German manufacturer of cleaning detergents. The family-owned business has been in the cleaning industry since 1923.
The international direction of the company began with the founding of the first group of subsidiaries in Czech Republic, Poland, and Croatia. This strategy was developed further in subsequent years.
In Aug 2022, Otto Oehme GmbH established a subsidiary in the Middle East. Since then, Lorito Middle East has been providing effective and efficient solutions for all the cleaning challenges in the UAE market in the form of detergents and cleaning techniques.
Tell us about your range of products?
Lorito offers cleaning solutions and problem solving for two key market segments: Domestic (consumers) & Professional (businesses). Hospitality, Automotive, Municipality, Oil & Gas, Household, Building Contractor, Healthcare, Industry, Public Services, Logistics, and Retail are among the various customer categories served.
Which is your top performing product?
Purito 219, the high performance concentrate for hydrophobic surfaces and elastic floorings.
What are its application areas? The product is suitable for the daily one-step manual or mechanical wet wiping process.
What makes it unique?
- Cost efficient, thanks to the high concentration as the product can be diluted as low as 10ml in 10l of water.
- With varying dilution ratios, it would be used as a multipurpose detergent.
- Does not leave streaks due to the hydrating composition that evenly distributes water on the flooring.
What is the future/vision of your company?
We noticed that professional cleaners across all industries are investing in mechanical cleaning methods, with un overlooked facts that the right detergent is the fuel for these machines to perform. Hence, we are keen to enhance our customer’s experience offering sustainable and cost-efficient cleaning solutions that will change cleaning from challenges to fun.
What are your major achievements this year ?
With a great collaboration with one of our clients, we could resolve an outstanding problem that was impacting adversely on the community by cleaning the long unresolved issue of grease, oil and other contaminating substances around the waste pins in the street.
Currently, we are working on how to improve their cleaning labors awareness with consistent training and providing them with the right product that will undoubtedly save the physical effort and time to complete their day to day tasks.
Any other details you want to highlight about your company ? We are constantly innovating to have a more environmentallyfriendly impact as our factory relies on solar power and all of the company’s vehicles are electric. Moreover, we use 100% recycled bottles and Eco-friendly ingredients in the cleaning detergents formula.
The UAE operations are paperless.