UAE: Swimming pools to undergo deep cleaning


Based on the directives of Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, Dubai Sports Council has announced the reopening of swimming pools and water sports activities in Dubai.


Filed under
Specialised Cleaning
June 13, 2020
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UAE: Swimming pools to undergo deep cleaning

The reopening mandate, however, is limited only to hotel establishments, health clubs/gym facilities, recreation clubs, and residential and commercial facilities. Social gatherings, parties and events are still barred and excluded from the resumption order, along with massage services, spa, sauna, jacuzzi and pool bars. Prior to reopening, all swimming pools in the permitted category will have to undergo deep cleaning to minimise the risk of water-borne diseases and the facilities will also need to get a water quality test done.

On reopening, the facilities will have to make sure they maintain the hygiene and sanitisation requirements as per Dubai Municipality guidelines, which includes maintaining a regular cleaning regime, water testing, and maintaining the chlorine concentration.

Cleaning and disinfection

They are also required to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and common areas at least once every hour, and shared objects each time they are used (handrails, lounge chairs, tabletops, pool noodles, kickboards, poolside showers, etc.).

The facilities will also have to make sure visitors and pool users maintain safe and desirable etiquette before and during swimming, which means no spitting in the pool, washing their hands more often, covering their sneeze and coughs, and showering - in the side pool showers only - before and after using the swimming pool. Shower facilities, lockers and changing rooms are permitted, conditional that cleaning and sanitisation is performed after every use, or at a minimum of once every hour, and social distancing must be maintained at all times. If the operators are unable to maintain the strict cleaning and sanitization regimes, and social distancing rules then these facilities must be closed.

Touchless hand sanitisers

The facilities will also have to install touchless hand sanitisers in all the common areas and ensure that ventilation/cooling and air conditioning systems for indoor spaces operate properly with an adequate intake of fresh air. The guidelines urge people to refrain from sharing items that are difficult to clean, sanitize, or disinfect or that are meant to come in contact with the face - for example, goggles, nose clips, and snorkels - and discourage people from sharing items such as food, equipment, toys, and supplies with guests from other households.