When it comes to 5-star hotels, cleanliness is essential. And, when the area that is being constructed is a restaurant, it is doubly so. Construction dirt and stains can be difficult to get rid of, but with over 70 years of experience in developing and testing surface cleaning, maintenance and protection solutions, FILA has the products and the know-how to remove any unsightly marks, even when the challenge is to clean a large variety of surfaces in a limited timeframe.
Last year, FILA was involved in the deep cleaning of a 5-star hotel’s surfaces post its refurbishment. And the various challenges that the company faced were met with due efficiency, expertise and effect. Fabrizio Nicoli, Commercial Director, FILA Middle East, highlights the process with which the company worked to accomplish the deep cleaning of the hotel premises.
Challenge one: Multiple surfaces and stains
The first challenge we faced was the many different surfaces that had to be worked with, and the fact that there was an indoors and an outdoors area, meant two very different environments and requirements as the weather does not impact interior surfaces, but countertops and kitchen areas need to be food-safe.
The outdoor area was an exterior terrace with natural stone, which was covered with residual cement, oil, traffic marks and tapes - the usual residues after construction. The indoor area was the real challenge as it was covered in marble, tiles, natural stone, parquet and carpets - a very large variety of surfaces, sometimes very close to one another. We worked on all the different sections of the restaurant: the main sitting area, the cocktail area, the VIP restaurant room, and of course the kitchen. The stains were also quite varied and meant we had to use a large panel of our products to remove them and restore the surfaces to their former appearance. The parquet was covered with residual of adhesive glue, the marble was covered with residual of cement, the porcelain tiles were covered with residual of grouting, the mosaic tiles were covered with residual of epoxy and the kitchen area, along with all countertops, had to be cleaned and protected from stains.
Challenge two: Ensuring all areas are food-safe
When cleaning any area that comes in contact with food, it is essential to take great precautions. FILA has always taken into account human health and safety. First, by ensuring that the workers who apply the products cannot be harmed by unhealthy fumes - all of our products are VOC-free, second, by creating cleaning products and stain protections that are food-safe and safe to human touch.
Challenge three: Cleaning while construction was still in progress
The restaurant was an extension to the existing 5-star hotel and was being built while the hotel was still open, so it was essential for all the work to be done fast, with the slightest impact to the guests. This meant that each area to be cleaned as soon as it was finished -even if construction was still going on in other areas - in order for the contractor to meet the deadline.
The three challenges we faced meant this project was very interesting for us and the company. Since every surface has particular properties and reacts differently to detergents, we used specific products to remove all residuals of construction dirt. They all differed in their cleaning properties and in the type of surface they are adapted for. In the end, many different products were used but it was necessary to ensure all surfaces kept their pristine appearance. Fila Cleaner - a neutral all-purpose detergent - was used to clean all the marble surfaces and preserve their shine. Fila PS87 - an alkaline detergent, stain remover and wax stripper - was used to remove organic dirt from tiles, marble, and unpolished stone, both indoors and outdoors. Fila Deterdek - a highly effective phosphoric acid detergent - was used to remove all inorganic dirt from tiles and acid-resistant stone. It was extremely efficient on the outdoor natural stone. All epoxy residues on the tiles were removed with Fila CR10 - the top performing cleaner of residual of epoxy – amongst our portfolio.
Once the cleaning was finished, all the countertops that would be in contact with food were protected with Fila MP90 Ecoplus - a foodsafe stain proof sealer without hydrocarbon solvents. To answer to the requirements of the contractor and the high-end hotel’s need for a quick opening of their restaurant, the Fila Service team ensured that it remained available whenever needed, carrying out their deep cleaning during weekend nights.
The cleaning was done little by little, following the progression of the construction, which required some organization but was not the most difficult aspect of this project. Although a challenging project both in terms of schedule and a variety of surfaces and stains, working on this project was extremely stimulating and allowed the Fila Service team to put into use all of Fila’s expertise. Following the deep cleaning, the maintenance team at the hotel was trained on the daily use of Fila’s detergents and the importance of using them appropriately to keep all surfaces perfect-looking, without altering the stones and tiles. After the cleaning, the harmony of all the different surfaces really came together, and we are truly proud to have been part of this project.
About the author:
Fabrizio Nicoli is the Commercial Director of the Middle East branch of FILA Surface Care Solutions. From Dubai, he oversees the business and operations of the branch for GCC, Caucasian and Far East countries. With over 15 years’ experience, 6 of which in the UAE, he holds an MBA from the City University London (Cass Business School) and a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Bergamo (Italy).