Getting cleaning staff vaccinated in response to COVID-19


Cleaning has never been more important. It is now back to business and the demand for cleaning and hygiene is at an all-time high.


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February 28, 2021
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Getting cleaning staff vaccinated in response to COVID-19

Tatjana Ahmed, Housekeeping Manager, Grand Hyatt Dubai

Creating a safe environment and ultimately helping to prevent infections is a task we must be dedicated to.

The resurge of the COVID-19 pandemic puts emphasis on the importance of the cleaning and hygiene industry. While many people can work from home in a very safe environment, cleaning and hygiene personnel are frontline workers and make the daily trip to their workplace to help fight the pandemic.

Our cleaning and hygiene team is the first line of defense for our employees, colleagues, and guests. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we provide our employees with the necessary tools, equipment, and as well with adequate and professional training to assist them in infection prevention.

DTCM and DHA guidelines are in place by now, so are organizational policies and procedures in order to have a proper precautionary system in place.

Still, we have to remind people to always respect the rules by protecting themselves and others and assist in the recovery of the pandemic. Washing your hands for 20 seconds, wearing a mask, and keeping socially distanced from others is still vital to stop the virus.

Is there anything else we can do to protect our cleaning and hygiene personnel from the dangerous Covid-19 virus?

Our cleaning and hygiene teams are to be among the most vulnerable workers during the pandemic. To protect frontline workers tasked with cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting is essential in order not to disrupt the industry’s supply chain of cleaning services that are of utmost importance to our guests and colleagues.

Given their role, it might be considered to have them vaccinated on priority, as they are potentially exposed to the danger of the virus on a daily basis.

Here is what the experts say:

  • Experts say people can still spread and even develop COVID-19 after getting a vaccine.
  • They note the immunity from the vaccine doesn’t begin to emerge until at least 12 days after inoculation.
  • They add the vaccine doesn’t prevent coronavirus infection. It helps protect against serious illnesses.
  • Experts advise people who get vaccinated to continue wearing a mask, washing their hands, and maintaining proper physical distancing.

So have you vaccinated your staff today?


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