iMAP, which had been nominated for the Amsterdam Innovation Award in the Cleaning Management and Training Solutions category, is an ebusiness solution used by Diversey’s customers across various sectors in about 60 countries worldwide to protect their brands, improve customer experience and elevate performance. iMAP facilitates smart data collection, collation, analysis and reporting anytime, anywhere and in any language with actionable intelligence for continuous improvement.
The data can be collected with the use of virtually any smart device such as android and apple iphone, tablets, laptops and desktop computers and the programme aids in accessing custom audits, performance indicators, reports and dashboards. Applications include food safety, cleaning quality, equipment service and corporate sustainability among others. Custom audits, reports, advisories and corrective actions can be performed online or automatically emailed. It aids in robust analyses which help identify areas for greater efficiency and improved client satisfaction
Cloud storage ensures easy data access in any place with Internet access. Data and report access levels guarantee that users only view the information they have been authorised to see. ISO-compliant password standards and encrypted data transfer protect sensitive information. iMAP has been in use for many years now, but in August 2011 Diversey reinvented it on the service side and increased the number of devices the programme supports, thus making it much easier to use the app.
Darin Gleason, Director, Global eBusiness, Diversey explained the technology and the solution’s significance, with particular reference to the BSC (building service contractors) sector. “This is a type of auditing tool which one can run on any type of smart phone and tablet. It is a simple programme that enables the manager in a BSC to perform an audit/ quality check on the environment after the cleaning is done at a particular facility. For instance, he can do a daily cleaning audit by scrutinising the cleaning objects after they are cleaned. He can set the date and type of audit as well, and can get an overview of all the things he has chosen and then begin the audits.” During an audit, the programme asks a number of questions based on the checklist that has been prepared – such as the environment at the site; on the cleaning team; the cleaners’ uniforms; the condition.
During an audit, the programme asks a number of questions based on the checklist that has been prepared – such as the environment at the site; on the cleaning team; the cleaners’ uniforms; the condition of the materials cabinet located at the site and so on. It will take the auditor through different areas and he can select the relevant programme for various office and traffic areas like hallways, meeting rooms and sanitary areas; and in these areas he can examine the equipment, etc, and mark them. For instance, in the waste management section he could provide the number of dirt elements he finds; or whether it is a method error or a periodical error. A person can do this for any type of element he finds in a room – from waste bin to tables to doors, towels, coat hangers, etc – he can mark the number of dirt elements that are present and add them to the list.
“Another option, which is an advantage with smart devices, is the provision to add remarks either in the form of free text comments or to just take a picture and add it to the elements of non-performance the auditor identifies. The form accepts this directly. At the end of the audit, the auditor or the site manager can sign the form. Once he connects the system to the server, it uploads the information directly on the internet which is accessible to people who need it,” Gleason stated.
The system allows a person to prepare reports and print graphs related to the weekly or daily checks. This helps in easy identification of the faults and if there are a lot of errors in a certain area, they can look into it and resolve the issue. One can also write special programmes to improve on these areas.
Diversey has introduced a new sales concept with it. “Earlier, we mostly used it internally for our consulting and service group. But with the new, improved tool that supports smart devices, we can provide it to our customers who can easily find the application in an app store. We give them a user name and password and they can do their own inspections. This makes it easier especially in the BSC environment where they can perform their own checks without depending on Diversey to do the auditing,” explained Gleason, adding that iMAP opens up sectors such as healthcare in addition to BSC where the frequency of doing an audit is much higher than in other sectors. iMAP has been adapted around the world, said Gleason. “In 2011, we did about 250,000 audits with the system. This year we will probably go up easily to 350,000 audits. It’s quite a growth and one of the contributing factors is the addition of the new tools mentioned above.”
So what distinguishes iMAP from similar solutions in the market? “Our tool is really distinguished from the rest in that it is quite broad and flexible and we can adjust it to any kind of market or sector. So we have solutions for different sectors, whereas other players focus on preparing a tool that will work only for a particular sector. Moreover, we have one tool that gives us an opportunity to report on all other segments as well. If there is a customer who does audits in different areas in his environment, we can combine all that information into one dashboard – so each audit can then have KPIs which we can report back in one dashboard. So the onestop- shop type of solution is really a benefit we have with this tool,” Gleason concluded.
Taski Nano trolley
The new Taski Nano trolley is suitable for both traditional wet cleaning and pre-wetted cleaning. Key advantages are its modularity, flexibility and durability and the compact and lightweight design make it most suitable for cleaning of small or confined areas. The intuitive design allows to move components and accessories to a variety of different .
positions and to adapt them to specific work habits and processes. It offers one basic platform for a variety of configuration options: Specially designed push bar for excellent maneuverability; Safety – nonmarking wheels with a brake; High quality materials; Hygienic: complete trolley is autoclavable Taski Nano for wet cleaning is a complete cleaning system combining the Taski Nano trolley with a range of traditional products and associated tools. The wet cleaning method with two colour coded 15 L buckets and a wringer provides optimal operational efficiency.
Taski Nano for pre-wetted Taski Jonmaster cleaning is a complete cleaning system combining the Taski Nano trolley with a range of unique microfiber products and associated tools. The Taski Jonmaster cleaning method ensures optimal operational efficiency and superior, hygienic results with benefits including its compact, light weight design, high manoeuvrability, easy maintenance that make it suitable for any industry.
Taski Swingo 5000 and Taski Swingo 4000
Other highlights at the show were the new Taski Swingo 5000 and Taski Swingo 4000 – large ride-on scrubber driers featuring great working width, tank size (200 litres) and a high cleaning speed of 7.5km/h. Key features of the machines are the patented all-wheel steering that makes make the machines extremely agile and manoeuvrable in congested areas, as well as the Taski Intellidose and Taski Intelliflow technologies that provide superior water and chemical management.
The Taski IntelliDose unit calculates and doses the precise amount of chemical for a perfectly balanced mixture each time. The Taski IntelliFlow uses speed dependent logic to deliver the proper amount of cleaning solution and water on to the floor according to the speed of the machine. As the operator slows down, the advanced system adjusts in real time to use less solution – decreasing water consumption by up to 50%, reducing time-consuming tank fills and lowering costs, at the same time delivering a high level of performance and increased operational efficiency, making the solution sustainable.
So the cleaning is faster and the W-shape squeegee system provides superior drying capability by picking 99% of water from edge to edge ensuring consistently dry floors which in turn reduces accident risk. The special squeegee blades and a direct suction line allow pick-up of small debris without clogging. The ergonomic design of the machines are said to reduce user fatigue and improve employee productivity. The difference between the Taski Swingo 4000 and Taski Swingo 5000 is in their brush unit and the squeegee. The former has a two 85 cm brushes with a squeegee width of 110 cms. The Taski Swingo 5000 has a four brush system with a working width of 105 cm and a squeegee that is 130 cm wide.