Cleaning company donating free services to pandemic heroes


Premier Green Cleaning in Jackson Hole, Wyoming will donate 1,000 hours of its services to nonprofits and people who are helping their community during the COVID-19 crisis, reports Jackson Hole News & Guide.


Filed under
Cleaning Services
May 3, 2020
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Cleaning company donating free services to pandemic heroes

The company details the kind gesture, named "Helping Jackson Shine," on its website.

"Many in our community are fighting the good fight to properly socially distance, provide assistance to those who are struck financially by this crisis, and working on the frontlines at our healthcare centers," writes Premier. "Our Premier team would like [to] play our part to help ease the burden."

Much of the free services being offered will take place in the offices and workspaces of nonprofits and organizations. Other services will benefit individuals who are helping Jackson Hole through this pandemic by working in healthcare, for an essential business or by volunteering.