Bee’ah wins waste management contract in the Middle East for Egypt’s new administrative capital


Bee’ah, the award-winning UAE-based sustainability and environmental services pioneer, has been appointed as the waste management partner for Egypt’s new Administrative Capital, which is being developed by the Administrative Capital for Urban Development and is one of the largest urban development projects in the world.


Filed under
Cleaning Services
January 29, 2020
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Bee’ah wins waste management contract in the Middle East for Egypt’s new administrative capital

Bee’ah, the six-time winner of the Waste Management Company of the Year in the Middle East, is the latest in a long line of UAE success stories to expand internationally and take its advanced practices beyond borders.

With a vision of pioneering a sustainable quality of life in the MENA region, Bee’ah’s impressive win can be directly attributed to its proven track record of diverse achievements and innovations in the UAE. After an impressive submission in a hotly contested bid by all major players in the waste management industry, Bee’ah will now provide its innovative solutions to the 71,400-hectare new capital that will house an anticipated population of 6.5 million and 21 residential areas.

To achieve an 80 percent waste diversion rate in the city, Bee’ah devised an integrated approach to environmental management for the new capital by bringing the best of sustainable practices in waste management and technologies to enable a circular economy for Egypt and reduce dependency on landfills. As a natural extension of Cairo, located fortyfive kilometres east of the capital, the new city will house government departments, ministries and foreign embassies, and is expected to strengthen and diversify the country’s economic potential.

On the accomplishment, HE Salim bin Mohamed Al Owais, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bee’ah, said: “This significant achievement for Bee’ah is a testament of its rapid evolution in the past 12 years and a forward-thinking innovative spirit that drives Bee’ah towards excellence. We are delighted to be awarded the largest waste management contract in the Middle East, and are keen to take our ambitions global. As sustainability imperatives become top on the agenda for governments, businesses and communities, Bee’ah will continue to drive our vision of being a pioneer of sustainable quality of life in the Middle East and beyond.”