Sustainable cleaning trends in Qatar


Housekeeping teams in Qatar have realized that sustainability is not limited to use of green seal products. Minimizing damage to the environment is an increasingly important consideration in today’s professional cleaning industry.


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February 16, 2023
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Sustainable cleaning trends in Qatar

I believe the hotel industry is always keen to participate in activities that have the potential to save the environment. This holds true particularly for the housekeeping department. Housekeeping teams in Qatar have realized that sustainability is not limited to use of green seal product and that minimizing damage to the environment is an increasingly important consideration in today’s professional cleaning industry.

Qatar Green Building Council

As a responsible country, Qatar has initiated many programs and plans that contribute to a better environment by engaging hotels and certificating them under QGBC (Qatar Green Building Council). QGBC is the national operator for the Green Key in Qatar. The Green Key award is a leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility & sustainable operation within the tourism industry. It encourages hotels by providing Green Key titles after their individual assessment on sustainability activities.

Environmental evaluation process in hospitality

The Food Safety and Environmental Health Department under Ministry of Public Health Has taken an initiative to implement Environmental Evaluation Process in all hospitality sector, where they focus majorly about the environmental conditions of a working place. These are not limited to the selection of chemicals, quality of cleaning products, importance of cleaning and disinfection or effect on health conditions. 

Below are the several sustainable cleaning trends:

Microfiber products in cleaning supplies

Microfiber technology may be the most significant product innovation to the cleaning industry in the last century. It’s a quick and easy switch toward helping preserve environmental resources. In using microfiber material, you will find that the key benefits extend beyond your workers' wellness. It helps protect the environment by reducing both your contribution to the waste stream and the use of water and harmful chemicals.

Fewer chemicals means less toxic waste released into the soil and water. Less water is needed when cleaning with microfiber products, and less material waste generated, as fewer cloths and mops end up in landfills. Mopping is one of the more popular uses of microfiber material. Using conventional cotton loop mops for wet mopping has long been the standard in floor cleaning for janitorial operations. Microfiber cleans more effectively, reaching into surface pores and crevices, where cotton mop materials are too large for deep cleaning. It contributes to reducing water and chemical usage microfiber mops use about 10-20 times less liquid than standard cotton mops, helping reduce procurement costs and saving water. Very few microfiber applications require the use of chemicals.

Reusable products in cleaning supplies
Recycling of cleaning products is helping a lot in creating a safe and healthy working environment. It helps in reducing cost and waste. 

Organic chemicals in cleaning
In the past few years the demand for less- toxic products has steadily grown. Product manufacturers are responding by introducing new cleaning chemicals that are more environmentally friendly.

Whenever a cleaner uses harsh chemicals to clean a workplace, the chemicals inevitably get flushed down the sink, floor and toilet drains and released into the environment. These substances are having a terrible impact on our waterways, air, soil and wildlife. Many hotels are already adopting many organic chemicals in their property for cleaning in Qatar. International companies also taking initiatives to provide green and organic products, non-toxic and natural based chemicals.

Battery operated machines
Hotels are adopting battery-operated machines in their cleaning process. Battery-powered machines help to reduce the risks of injury, save energy, electricity, better quality and consumption of water. Janitorial programs can assume that the more battery technology advances, the more efficient battery-powered cleaning equipment will become. The sustainability of battery power is a key advantage in experience in manufacturing auto scrubbing machines for industrial cleaning to support a team of efficient, motivated, and dynamic workers. When it comes to improving health and safety, battery-powered floor cleaning machines are proving to be an increasingly popular choice.

The importance of sustainability in the professional cleaning and hygiene industry has been growing for years. Now, there is no escaping it anymore. Incorporating sustainability in your business strategy likely improves trust with customers, employees and investors while protecting the environment. Sustainability is transitioning from being a ‘nice to have’ to being a ‘must have’

About the author

Nabil Sheikh is the Cluster Executive Housekeeper at Millennium Central & Kingsgate Hotel.