ISSA establishes regulatory affairs committee


ISSA has recently announced its establishment of the ISSA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC). This newly formed committee is part of ISSA’s continued investment and expansion of its advocacy efforts.


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January 11, 2023
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ISSA establishes regulatory affairs committee

ISSA has recently announced its establishment of the ISSA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC). This newly formed committee is part of ISSA’s continued investment and expansion of its advocacy efforts.


The ISSA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) and its members will play a critical role by advocating and educating on key regulatory issues impacting the cleaning industry. It will also play an advisory role in support of the development of ISSA’s positions on state and federal regulatory issues applicable to chemical cleaners, in addition to voluntary ecolabel standards. It will recommend actions to protect, support, and advance the specific interests of ISSA members and of the entire cleaning industry. This includes but is not limited to issue identification and prioritization, development and promulgation of positions, execution and/or support of regulatory positions, and help in providing feedback for inclusion in ISSA’s comments on regulatory issues.


ISSA congratulates and thanks the following individuals from ISSA-member companies for their important service to the cleaning industry as inaugural RAC members:


  • Jamey Gaston, Technical Director, Midlab Inc.
  • Howard Bochnek, Senior Vice President, American Infection Control Inc.
  • Terry Hall, Vice President of Regulatory, Hillyard Industries
  • Lisa Pankiewicz, Vice President Global Stewardship, The Clorox Company
  • Ali Luedtke, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Betco Corporation
  • Rebecca Kaufold, Manager of Government Affairs & Sustainability, Spartan Chemical Company.


“Each member of ISSA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience,” said ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft. “Our Government Affairs team is excited to welcome them to this new advisory body, and we look forward to working with them to help guide the association’s regulatory advocacy and education efforts.”


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